Account Sign In
Enter your email address to get started. This will be the email address at which you'll receive all project information.
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My Bio Information
Confirm your bio information below and then click the "Verify" button.
If you are not listed among the possible matches below, click the "Not Found" button.
Verify Not FoundMy Bio Information
Review your information below. If the information is correct, click the "Submit" button. If updates are necessary, make the updates and click the "Submit" button.
This information is used in connection with your account profile on this website. It will be utilized to maintain your service history, facilitate creating and/or registering for service projects and contact you about service projects you've volunteered for.
You also have the option to apply this bio information to your primary MSU alumni record. If you do this, all future communications you receive from the MSU Alumni Office and University Advancement will be based on the information you update.
You can update your bio information as often as you need to.
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Last Name is required
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Email is required
Phone Number is required