MSU COL: State Appellate Defenders Office and the Michigan Indigent Defense Commission

Volunteer registration is closed.
Project Description
Access to Justice issues will be discussed at all sites. Some sites require participants to pass through security protocols, including metal detectors. If you are visiting one of the courts, you may need to remove belts, jewelry/watches, cell phones, and bags may be searched. Travel lightly to promote ease of entry.
We recommend all participants wear their Foundations Week Polo shirts and business casual pants (not shorts nor jeans).
All participants must check-in at the welcome event held in N130 Business College Complex. All transportation will depart from the Business College Complex and you must check in to receive your confirmed site, bus number, and table assignment.
Schedule for the Day
9:00–9:30 a.m. Check-in/Coffee and Snacks Business College Complex, N130
9:30–10:00 a.m. Program Business College Complex, N130
10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Access to Justice Day Site Visits Community, Various
1:00–3:00 p.m. Lunch & Reflection East Lawn of Law Building
Project Date
Aug. 16, 2024
Project Locations and Shifts
MSU Business College Complex
632 Bogue Street
Room N130
East Lansing, MI 48824
Project Coordinator
Audra Foster
Community Partner - State Appellate Defenders Office
About State Appellate Defenders Office
Mission and Values
Our Mission
Fighting injustice through access, advocacy, compassion, and education.
Our Values
We address injustices and failures in the criminal legal system and strive to right systemic wrongs, achieve redemption, center human dignity, and help those we represent to reclaim their lives.
We are a diverse group with varying ideas, beliefs, experiences, and abilities. We are committed to being open, welcoming, and supportive of all people.
We work to understand the lived experiences and perspectives of others and to relate to our colleagues and those we represent.
We treat each other and the people we represent with appreciation and dignity and approach interactions with maturity, understanding, and open-mindedness. We are honest, ethical, and accurate in the messages we share with the world, each other, and the people we represent. We believe in each other and believe that each of us is motivated to act in the best interest of the team and the people we represent.
We work to build fellowship, trust, and understanding with each other so we can be better for the people we represent and for the external community. Together, we recognize and acknowledge difficulties and we celebrate and champion successes.
We are committed to doing our best and to continually learning and improving our skills. We are passionate about our work. We are motivated to reach our full potential and to work with others to transform the legal system through passionate, thoughtful, and tenacious advocacy. We innovate, generate new possibilities, and strive to transcend what has always been.
Project Date
Aug. 16, 2024
Project Locations and Shifts
State Appellate Defender's Office200 N Washington Sq
Lansing, MI 48933
10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
(0 spots available)
Volunteer registration is closed.