MSU COL: Ingham County Prosecutor's Office

Volunteer registration is closed.
Project Description
Access to Justice issues will be discussed at all sites. Some sites require participants to pass through security protocols, including metal detectors. If you are visiting one of the courts, you may need to remove belts, jewelry/watches, cell phones, and bags may be searched. Travel lightly to promote ease of entry.
We recommend all participants wear their Foundations Week Polo shirts and business casual pants (not shorts nor jeans).
All participants must check-in at the welcome event held in N130 Business College Complex. All transportation will depart from the Business College Complex and you must check in to receive your confirmed site, bus number, and table assignment.
Schedule for the Day
9:00–9:30 a.m. Check-in/Coffee and Snacks Business College Complex, N130
9:30–10:00 a.m. Program Business College Complex, N130
10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Access to Justice Day Site Visits Community, Various
1:00–3:00 p.m. Lunch & Reflection East Lawn of Law Building
Project Date
Aug. 16, 2024
Project Locations and Shifts
MSU Business College Complex
632 Bogue Street
Room N130
East Lansing, MI 48824
Project Coordinator
Audra Foster
Community Partner - Ingham County Prosecutor's Office
About Ingham County Prosecutor's Office
John J. Dewane
Ingham County Prosecuting Attorney
As Prosecutor, I believe that our office and its partners can work to make Ingham County a safer, healthier place to live, learn and build the future.
To start with, that means investing in our young people and their limitless potential. Ingham County has been synonymous with education ever since Michigan State University was founded in 1855. I want to be sure that students are in school on time every day and ready to learn. That’s the best I can do to help with their learning journey – as they move from the classroom into the workforce.
When young persons commit transgressions that put them in contact with the criminal justice system, in most cases they can be provided with programs and services to help them stay on track and with their families. Some kids need help with their mental health or substance abuse; in others it just means working with a juvenile court officer or a specialized, problem-solving court. It’s my goal to provide equal justice for all, and in most cases we can find alternatives to incarceration that help a young offender get back on track.
We see far too many cases where young persons are involved with guns and serious violent crime; either as victims or offenders. I believe our state is doing more, thanks to Gov. Whitmer and the legislative majorities who worked for new gun safety legislation.
At the local level, we’re working with Advance Peace to intervene and prevent gun violence using trusted mentors as neighborhood change agents. The program is still relatively new, having begun in Lansing last fall. But we have seen only one homicide charge in Lansing so far this year. By this date in 2021, there had been 12 murders in Lansing city and township. By this time in 2022, there had been 7 murders.
Domestic violence continues to be a major issue in our community, particularly in the City of Lansing. However, due to a specialized Domestic Violence Court in Lansing’s 54-A District Court (Judge Cynthia Ward presiding), we are seeing promising results. In 2022 our county had a 10% overall reduction in reported domestic violence cases.
Homicide – the taking of a human life – is the most heinous and irrevocable of all our crimes. As a career trial prosecutor, I’ve worked with the surviving families of murder victims and seen first-hand the impact that this loss has on our families and communities. Every person’s life has value, from the cradle to the grave.
While of course a homicide can never be reconciled, I have found that the victim’s surviving families often do find some measure of peace in knowing that their case is resolved by the justice system. Once a case has been decided, I personally believe that the victim’s families should have peace in knowing that their case has been closed. I understand there are appeals and that, in rare cases, a verdict or a sentence can be overturned. But we should do all we can to provide a just and fair resolution the first time, so that these kinds of reversals are rare and exceptional.
I believe we’re turning the corner – on gun crimes, on domestic violence, and on providing just and fair resolutions to cases while ensuring the public safety. Working with our community partners, let’s create a brighter future for Ingham County’s next generation.
John J. Dewane
Ingham County Prosecutor
May 2, 2023
The Prosecutor's Office main phone line is (517) 483-6108. Our Facebook page is in a window at the bottom of this page. Additional contact info (phones and email) can be found on our "assignments" page.
Defense discovery requests - Info is available in the "Discovery" page, accessible by our menu to the left. Please do not send discovery requests directly to the County Prosecutor or other personnel.
The Prosecuting Attorney’s Office reviews all requests for complaints and warrants involving violations of state law, Michigan State University and/or County ordinances.
The Prosecuting Attorney is responsible for a wide array of legal functions for Ingham County some of which include:
- Elected department head, chosen by voters at the time of each presidential election.
- Reviews, authorizes and prosecutes violations of felony and misdemeanor criminal laws of the State of Michigan committed within Ingham County
- Reviews petitions involving juvenile persons under 17 who engage in state law violations
- Reviews all drug and property forfeiture matters
- Advises the Family Independence Agency on child abuse and neglect matters
- Attends contested mental health commitment hearings
- Files and prosecutes actions to establish paternity
- Files actions to establish family support matters
Front desk and phone reception hours of operation: Monday – Friday, 8:30 am to 12 and 1 to 4:30 pm. Our office will have a staff person available at the front reception desk, and also addressing incoming phone calls, during these times.
The office is closed from 12:00 noon to 1:00 PM and on weekends and County Holidays. The office's main phone number is (517) 483-6108. The Family Support Unit can be reached at (517) 483-6540.
Our office is located at the Grady Porter Building/Veterans Memorial Courthouse Complex, 303 W Kalamazoo, Floor 4R, Lansing MI 48933.
Project Date
Aug. 16, 2024
Project Locations and Shifts
Ingham County Prosecutor's Office303 W Kalamazoo St
Lansing, MI 48933
10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
(0 spots available)
Volunteer registration is closed.